The Loveland Emergency Communications Center (LECC) is a 24-hour, 365 day/year operation, serving as the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) answering all 911 calls over 260 square miles of southern Larimer County, as well as non-emergent calls to Loveland Police Department. LECC dispatches for Loveland Police Department, Loveland Fire Rescue Authority, Big Thompson Canyon Fire, Thompson Valley EMS and the Berthoud Fire Protection District.
Using the Central Square computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system, 8 computer monitors, 2 keyboards and a ten-key pad, the Communications Specialists are able to send vital information to first responders both en route and on scene. LECC handles an average of 15,050 calls and 850 EMD calls on a monthly basis.
ACCREDITED CENTER OF EXCELLENCE: The LECC was the 116th dispatch center world-wide to become accredited in Emergency Medical Dispatching. Specialized medical software allows Communications Specialists to triage patients over the phone and dispatch appropriate medical personnel. On average, 110 calls are evaluated monthly as part of maintaining the high standards required for ongoing accreditation.