Dog Day of Summer will be held at Fairgrounds Park, 700 S. Railroad Ave., from 6-8 p.m. on June 24.
The 2023 Dog Day event will offer lots of fun ways to learn about recreating responsibly with your dog, including tips and swag from local vendors and experts on food & treats, training, equipment, health, and grooming. Other activities will include agility obstacles and canine parkour elements to try, a scavenger hunt and a photo op area for dogs and their people. Loveland Police K-9 Officers and their canine partners will present an impressive skills demo. Pick up a copy of the free Trails & Tails booklet for places to go with your pup, too!
Bring your leashed, well-mannered dog and visit stations throughout our riverside park. Food trucks will offer tasty treats for you AND your furry friends!
Drop-in any time. Free! Registration not required, but sign up for event reminders and weather updates. See Offero for details and to sign up.
For more information on the City’s Open Lands & Trails programs, visit: